Gradio-lite (Gradio running entirely in your browser!)

Try it out! Once the Gradio app loads (can take 10-15 seconds), disconnect your Wifi and the machine learning model will still work!

transformers_js_py from transformers_js import import_transformers_js, as_url import gradio as gr transformers = await import_transformers_js() pipeline = transformers.pipeline pipe = await pipeline('zero-shot-image-classification') async def classify(image, classes): data = await pipe(as_url(image), classes.split(",")) result = {item['label']: round(item['score'], 2) for item in data} return result demo = gr.Interface(classify, [gr.Image(label="Input image", type="filepath"), gr.Textbox(label="Classes separated by commas")], gr.Label()) demo.launch()